South Meridian Y & new aquatic center renamed for generous philanthropists 

BOISE, I.D., June 29, 2021 – On the eve of opening its new $13 million aquatic center, the Treasure Valley YMCA is making a major announcement. For the first time in its storied 130-year history, a facility branch is being renamed for a donor. The newly minted Tomlinson South Meridian YMCA honors Tom and Mary Tomlinson for their tremendous philanthropic commitment to the Y. 

In 1996, Tom, co-founder of Brighton Corporation, provided the land for the West Boise YMCA and Boise City Aquatic Center. The couple’s generosity continued with the development of the South Meridian Y, which now bears their name. 

“The Tomlinson South Meridian YMCA would simply not exist without the Tomlinsons,” said David Duro, Treasure Valley Family YMCA President and CEO. “Their support was instrumental in the success of this project and laid the groundwork for our continued growth well into the future.” 

Additionally, the new aquatic center will be named Michael and Kay Elton Family Aquatic Center in recognition of significant contributions they provided to this latest project. 

“The Elton family has been involved as volunteers and supporters in the fundraising, design, and construction of the aquatic center,” said Duro. “Their lead donation made it possible to build a state-of-the-art facility.” 

The grand opening for the 22,000 square foot facility is set for tomorrow morning. 

The aquatic center provides much-needed practice, competition, and recreational space, along with life-saving water safety courses. 

The Michael and Kay Elton Family Aquatic Center opens to the public on Thursday, July 1, but registration for swim lessons is available now at The aquatic center is open to the entire community. No one is ever turned away from the Y due to an inability to pay – financial assistance is available for swim lessons. 

Michael and Kay Elton Family South Meridian Aquatic Center features:

  • 6-lane competition pool; new practice site for two high school swim teams 
  • 3-story slide that winds inside and outside the building 
  • Recreation pool with 3 lap lanes, a lazy river, and a recreational swim area 
  • Barrier-free, zero-entry kiddie pool with water features 
  • Outdoor splash-pad with easy access to indoor pools 
  • Car-wash style showers; a fun way to save space and increase cleanliness 
Tom and Mary Tomlinson