The board of directors of the Treasure Valley Family YMCA (Y) announced today that David Duro, a dedicated executive with a 33-year career with the Y, has been named the organization’s new President and CEO.

Duro will be succeeding Jim Everett, current President and CEO, who will be retiring after 28 years as this organization’s CEO and 42 years with the Y.

The Y Board conducted an extensive search that brought in a large pool of highly qualified local and national candidates.   Y Board Chair, Ned Pontious, said, “I am thrilled about the selection of David Duro as our new CEO.  This was a thorough and rigorous seven-month process, and he was selected from many outstanding candidates.  We’re confident and optimistic about the future of the Y, and we believe that the whole community will benefit from having his passion and talent at the helm of our organization.”

Read entire release here »

Learn more about Jim Everett’s legacy and retirement celebrations here »