The TVFY is delighted to announce the 2024 winners of the YMCA Y-Not Go On Scholarship: Araceli
Gomez Chavez, Jasmine Navarro, and Sajjad Ali Mohammed Ali. This scholarship is awarded as part of
the YMCA’s commitment to youth development and social responsibility. It provides $10,000 towards a
winner’s post-secondary education and is renewable for up to four years for a total of $40,000 if the
student maintains a GPA of at least 2.75.

Applicants were evaluated on their embodiment of the Y’s Core Values of Caring, Honesty, Respect, and
Responsibility as well as their academic performance, demonstrated ability to accomplish goals, and
financial need.

“Members of the selection committee were impressed by the winners’ achievements and the content of their characters. These students have shown incredible resilience through difficult circumstances. Their commitment to their own development and determination to improve the wellbeing of their families and communities is exceptional. We’re honored to be given the privilege of helping them take their next steps in their education.”

David Duro

This scholarship is made possible thanks to a generous gift from an anonymous donor.

Araceli works at our YMCA Caldwell Branch. Her love of building connection with people makes her a fantastic member of our front desk team. Araceli plans to study engineering and is grateful for the mentors who have inspired her. Taking their cue, she is determined to help other young Hispanic students see the breadth of opportunities available to them and the steps they can take to be successful. With her strong academic record and goal-oriented ambitions, we are sure she will flourish in college and are delighted to support her in that endeavor.

Jasmine’s nurturing personality is fortified with a powerful sense of justice. From personal experience, Jasmine knows the struggles faced by those who live in poverty. She notes that these struggles are especially hard when trying to access healthcare as a non-English speaking immigrant. A straight-A student, she is passionate about pursuing a career in medicine, and her dream is to open a medical clinic with an open door to all that will serve communities like the one in which she has grown up. We are excited to help her take the next step towards achieving that vision.

Sajjad impressed us with his strong sense of responsibility and purpose. He has shown an exceptional ability to persevere through adversity to achieve academic success. We were especially impressed by his determination to find and profit from support systems in his journey of personal growth. Sajjad is focused on a career in engineering with detailed goals to provide stability for his family. We are confident in his capacity to leverage his college education to obtain the bright future of his dreams.