Adult Classes & Programs
Move, groove, and sweat your way toward better well-being!
Youth Camps
From sports to STEAM, swimming, art, and more — there’s a camp for every age and interest at the Y.
Youth Programs
The YMCA’s focus on youth development is evident in their Child Development and Youth Programs.
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Help us fulfill our promises to this community and commit to raising needed funds for the Y so that we can serve those who need it most.
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When you join the Y, you’re committing to more than simply becoming healthier. You are supporting the values and programs that strengthen your community.
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Words from the Y

Regardless of what or who someone's donation supports, every dollar makes an impact at the Y.
YMCA Camp at Horsethief Reservoir is just one of many ways that the Y carries out our cause of developing successful youth. At YMCA Camp, kids of all backgrounds explore nature, make lasting ...

On July 31st, Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center hosted the Treasure Valley Family YMCA‘s Robotics II Camp for an afternoon with one of the most advanced robots in the medical field, the daVinci Surgical Robot. Thanks to the help of Intuitive Surgery, the producers of the daVinci robot, ...

Two of our youngest Triathletes, brothers Noah and Lucas, are making national news! Their amazing story was featured on KTVB Channel 7 and the Today Show and featured on their website. The Today Show also shared it on their Facebook page, which has resulted in thousands of shares and ...

Not quite an infant, not quite toddler. That's Connor. But this young kid's getting so much more from the Y's child care program than motor skill development and playtime discovery. This is his family's Y. Their camera. Their story.
Watch Connor's video here»