Adult Classes & Programs
Move, groove, and sweat your way toward better well-being!
Youth Camps
From sports to STEAM, swimming, art, and more — there’s a camp for every age and interest at the Y.
Youth Programs
The YMCA’s focus on youth development is evident in their Child Development and Youth Programs.
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We offer a positive work environment, career growth opportunities, and an excellent benefits package.
Ways to Give
Help us fulfill our promises to this community and commit to raising needed funds for the Y so that we can serve those who need it most.
Become a Member Today
When you join the Y, you’re committing to more than simply becoming healthier. You are supporting the values and programs that strengthen your community.
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Words from the Y

Anita and her son, Sam, moved to Boise to start fresh over four years ago. Being a single mom, Anita needed to find a safe, nurturing place for her son to be during the after-school hours. The Y’s Child Development program offered this and more. Sam’s new relationships, character development, ...

Reuben is an active member and a devoted Y volunteer. For Reuben, the Y is a safe place for him and others with special needs to make friends, feel a sense of belonging, and have the opportunity to touch the lives of others everyday! This is important to Reuben because he loves giving back and ...

2013 was a big year for Zach. What started with ten minutes on the elliptical machine became losing over 160 pounds and finishing four triathlons. Proud of what he has lost, Zach is more grateful for what he has gained — friendships, support, a job, self-esteem, and a sense of purpose, none of ...