In the News

Compassion and Inclusion Are Our Strengths

Compassion and Inclusion Are Our Strengths

A statement from President & CEO, David Duro Today, I join you with a broken heart as I see the avoidable, needless, and tragic deaths of African-Americans, the riots and violence, and the divisiveness and unrest that has come to a boiling point in communities across our nation. Our hearts ...
Congratulations 2020 YMCA Civic Engagement Scholarship Recipients!

Congratulations 2020 YMCA Civic Engagement Scholarship Recipients!

The Treasure Valley Family YMCA is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2020 YMCA Civic Engagement Scholarships: Maria Esquivel-Rodriguez from Caldwell High School, Sydney Timothy from Borah High School, Carson Moore from Rocky Mountain High School, Maura Catherine Dresner-Pfau from ...

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month!

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month! This is a great time to raise awareness of Brain Injuries with spring season sports right around the corner. According to the Brain Injury Association of America, each year an estimated 2.5 million children and adults in the United States ...
New Year’s Resolutions—Health and Exercise

New Year’s Resolutions—Health and Exercise

January is known as the month to reset and begin the New Year off right. Making New Year's resolutions is a fun way to ignite a sense of purpose and focus. However, according to U.S. News, "80 percent of New Year's resolutions fail." The therapists at STARS are here to help to ensure that you ...
Our Partner In Health, Saint Alphonsus: Preparing For A Race

Our Partner In Health, Saint Alphonsus: Preparing For A Race

From 5K and 10Ks, half, full, or ultra marathons to adventure runs and team relays, Idaho summers are chock-full of races. It can be tempting to register for as many of them as possible, trying to beat your personal record at each one. As you begin to tick off each race, your knees may start ...

James Bailey Selected as 2019 Vern Emery Award Winner!

PRESS RELEASE Boise, ID - The Treasure Valley Family YMCA (Y) has awarded four individuals with awards for their years of volunteerism and service to the local Y and the community. These awards were presented at the Y’s 128th Annual Meeting on June 5 at the Grove Hotel, an event that brought ...